Saturday, February 4, 2012

Your Mustache is too Big.

I got called Hitler a few times yesterday.

After my local WORDS competition, I met with the winner for some additional coaching before going to the national competition in Jakarta. Before she and I got to work, we were hanging out with her Uncle, a professional and well-known Indonesian painter, and his studio assistant. Relaxing, chatting, drinking coffee, munching on snacks, the assistant asks me the meaning of my name.
     Her uncle seconded the idea, “Yeah, Indonesian names usually have a meaning to them. What about American names?”
     “Well, most English names don't have a meaning to them; they used to, a long time ago. But,” I said, “I looked mine up on the internet.” Looking on the internet now, it turns out that I had forgotten most of it, and told them that my name meant capable military person (Herbert), army commander (Reynold), and rough-mannered (Lynn).*
     “Like Hitler!” the assistant spat out with a hearty laugh.
And Pak agreed, “Yeah, just like Hitler: a rough but smart military leader! Also, you have a mustache!”
     "Oh no, but Hitler's mustache was like this,” the assistant said, putting his fingers under his nose. “Much shorter, haHa!”

     And it was funny. It was actually really funny. With fewer Jewish people around in Indonesia, Hitler is not as taboo as it might be in the U.S. or the west. I was taken aback at first, and it took me a second to remind myself that I'm living in a country that is very different from the U.S. After I laughed a bit along with them, I had to agree with the two of them: a white, mustachioed, rough-mannered, and capable military leader (though understating his “roughness”) is a pretty accurate description of the guy who had the U.S. and most of Europe trembling in fear. Indonesians like to poke fun.
     Sometimes I don't get it. Sometimes I don't find the humor here very funny. The joke contained not even a hint of malice or disrespect. I mean, Glenn Beck wasn't in the room insinuating that I was a genocidal, maniacal narcissist. This time, I got a good laugh out of a silly association.

Herbert = Illustrious/Bright/Famous Warrior/Army
Reynold = Well-counseled or well-advised ruler
Lynn = Lake or waterfall, also of ruddy complexion